July 22, 2024 : Happy Pi Approximation Day!

Is it July already? Rather than dwell on summer being half over, let’s focus on the greatness of Pi Approximation Day! After all, we’re only a third of the way through summer if you base it off the solstice/astronomical definition versus the meteorological.

Piece of pie representing Pi Approximation Day

Call it whatever you want – ballparking it, taking a shortcut, or simply half-assing things – but I’ll use it as an excuse to celebrate Pi.

posted by Pi Visuals at 10:20 am



July 6, 2024 : Mid-Year Check In – 2024

With half the calendar year in the books (what?!) – and in the spirit of personal accountability – I wanted to re-visit the goals I set out for myself for the year. Below are the six goals I made at the end of last year, with quick updates:

     A) Update Reel/Resume: Done and done
     B) Increase the number of posts in 2024 (goal = 24): I am currently on pace to hit 24. Although, it’s worth pointing out that I started the year writing more frequently, but it has started to taper.
     C) Get more acquainted with new software (C4D and/or Unreal): Partially done. I have spent some time in C4D and am scheduled to take a one day refresher class later this month. Even with the class, it’s an ongoing goal.
     D) Finish writing script from 2022 (Henching): Haven’t started
     E) Create updated Vegeta Cosplay: Done (and Awesome)
     F) Increase camera knowledge/skillset: This has been sort of done, but it is another ongoing goal. In hindsight, I wish I made a more trackable metric for this.

All in all, I am feeling pretty good about what I’ve done so far. Most of the remaining goals are ongoing, which means it will require focus and discipline on me to objectively consider them accomplished. Hopefully I’m up for the challenge.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:47 am



June 29, 2024 : New Regular Show? Yes, Please!

Filed under “Awesome (Hopefully)”, a new Regular Show series is in the works. Announced earlier this month, not much is currently known about the series, but creator, J.G. Quintel, will once again helm the show.

Rigby and Mordecai from Regular Show pointing

It’s crazy to think the finale was 7.5 years ago, and plenty happened in it, including a prologue into the futures of the main characters. This raises the question of what the series will even be about. Rather than speculate, I’ll just wait this out and give the new series a shot.

It also got me thinking about Quintel’s follow up series, Close Enough, which I even wrote about when first announced. I remember hearing about production issues but didn’t realize it eventually ran for three seasons before getting cancelled – and then subsequently taken off Max completely. Since I can’t watch Close Enough at the moment, perhaps I’ll re-watch some classic Rigby and Mordecai while waiting for the new episodes.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:30 am



June 6, 2024 : Reacquainting Myself With Smear Frames

Lately, I’ve been spending some time looking more into Smear Frames. I’ve always been a fan of the technique – not only because of its functionality of depicting motion blur in animation but because I always thought the artwork was really cool (and fun). It seems like there were more blogs in the past devoted to them, but I was still able to scrounge up some cool articles about them.

Smear frame from the Last Airbender

While used commonly in traditional animation, specifically with characters, it’s a technique that can be applied to motion graphics as well; and it doesn’t have to be done solely via hand drawn content. There are a few ways to capture the effect in After Effects – and without using the overused Motion Blur setting.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:11 am



May 11, 2024 : C2E2 2024 In The Books!

Another C2E2 has come and gone, and per usual, it was a blast. There was plenty to see, particularly from a cosplay standpoint – including yours truly:

Cosplay of Vegeta and Goku

It was a fun blast from the blast to revisit Vegeta (last done in 2017?!). It was also well received, and we even ran into several other DBZ cosplayers. I also liked how the updated armor came out; and while there were a few parts of the costume I’d change, it exceeded expectations and then some. At the end of the day, it was a great weekend!

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:07 am

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April 25, 2024 : Back In C4D (And Now Redshift)

I’ve been able to squeeze in some C4D sequences into a project at work, which is great since I’m due (not to mention it’s one of my personal goals). The shots I’ve worked on so far haven’t been too ambitious, but they are still pushing me to expand my skillset within the software:

Render from Cinema 4D, using Redshift

One of my biggest weaknesses in not just Cinema 4D, but any 3D package, is lighting/rendering. For a few of these shots, I decided to go with Redshift as the renderer – something that was added to C4D a few years ago – just to see how it works.

Since the shots are getting added to a 2D look within After Effects, I’ve kept things very basic; but it has been interesting to see what Redshift has to offer.

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:18 pm

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April 4, 2024 : Saiyan Armor Painted White

After a few more days/nights of work, the Saiyan armor has been sealed, primed, and (partially) painted. Specifically, the white base has been airbrushed on.

Front shot of a work-in-progress cosplay Saiyan armor

The main outstanding item is painting on the yellow ribs and shoulder straps, which will be applied via a standard brush. The half round dowels also need another coat or two of white paint, applied via brush. They were soaking up the airbrush applications. It seems like they weren’t adequately sealed and/or primed. Bottom line, it’s the home stretch – fingers crossed…

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:29 pm

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March 18, 2024 : Happy Saiyan Day… Yes, It’s A Thing

How am I just hearing about this now?! Apparently, March 18th is Saiyan Day. If you’re asking why, first… shut up. Second: apparently, 3-1-8 in Japanese is San-Ichi-Hachi; and when that is shortened, it sounds like “Saiyan”. I’m not sure I get it, but does that really matter?

The main character Saiyans of the Dragon Ball franchise

I can’t find how long Saiyan Day has been around or its origins. Based on my search on the interwebs, it is at least 6 or 7 years old. It also seems to be really popular with the Dokkan video game, which I do not play. Still, I fully endorse this. Time to hop on this train!

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:36 pm

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March 14, 2024 : Happy Pi Day!

Who’s ready to relate a circle’s circumference to its diameter… at least more so than normal? That’s right, it’s Pi Day, which means it’s time to geek out about the world’s most needed irrational mathematical constant.

Pi Day Graphic using legos and pixelated text

Usually at this point in the post I relay some interesting fact. Sadly, I don’t have much to offer this year. How about this: did you know that the one millionth digit after the decimal point is a “1”?

Sorry, but I told you I didn’t have much. How about Albert Einstein was born on Pi Day? That’s pretty interesting; and I’m pretty sure I’ve never mentioned it on here before, which I find odd (and disappointing).

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:04 am



March 10, 2024 : RIP Akira Toriyama

In super sad news, Akira Toriyama passed away.

Vegeta shedding tears

There isn’t much to say. Like many, DBZ was the gateway to my love of anime. As such, I owe a lot to Akira Toriyama. His work brought joy to countless people. He was a true original.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:41 am

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