July 6, 2024 : Mid-Year Check In – 2024

With half the calendar year in the books (what?!) – and in the spirit of personal accountability – I wanted to re-visit the goals I set out for myself for the year. Below are the six goals I made at the end of last year, with quick updates:

     A) Update Reel/Resume: Done and done
     B) Increase the number of posts in 2024 (goal = 24): I am currently on pace to hit 24. Although, it’s worth pointing out that I started the year writing more frequently, but it has started to taper.
     C) Get more acquainted with new software (C4D and/or Unreal): Partially done. I have spent some time in C4D and am scheduled to take a one day refresher class later this month. Even with the class, it’s an ongoing goal.
     D) Finish writing script from 2022 (Henching): Haven’t started
     E) Create updated Vegeta Cosplay: Done (and Awesome)
     F) Increase camera knowledge/skillset: This has been sort of done, but it is another ongoing goal. In hindsight, I wish I made a more trackable metric for this.

All in all, I am feeling pretty good about what I’ve done so far. Most of the remaining goals are ongoing, which means it will require focus and discipline on me to objectively consider them accomplished. Hopefully I’m up for the challenge.

posted by Pi Visuals at 12:47 am



April 25, 2024 : Back In C4D (And Now Redshift)

I’ve been able to squeeze in some C4D sequences into a project at work, which is great since I’m due (not to mention it’s one of my personal goals). The shots I’ve worked on so far haven’t been too ambitious, but they are still pushing me to expand my skillset within the software:

Render from Cinema 4D, using Redshift

One of my biggest weaknesses in not just Cinema 4D, but any 3D package, is lighting/rendering. For a few of these shots, I decided to go with Redshift as the renderer – something that was added to C4D a few years ago – just to see how it works.

Since the shots are getting added to a 2D look within After Effects, I’ve kept things very basic; but it has been interesting to see what Redshift has to offer.

posted by Pi Visuals at 11:18 pm

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December 31, 2023 : Looking To 2024 With (Overly Ambitious) Goals

With the end of the year (and start of a new one) around the corner, I decided to document a list of goals I’m hoping to tackle in 2024. Here they are in no particular order:

Some of these goals are already underway. However, I acknowledge some others I might not be able to get around to or complete. In addition to normal professional commitments, I will be tied up with a fair amount of personal ones as well. That said, I’m fine starting off ambitiously and reeling myself in as the year progresses. Then again, perhaps I’ll add a few to the list.

If anything, these goals can provide more material to increase the frequency of posts. In fact, this post was partially done to make 18 for 2023. In case you were wondering, my ridiculous goal for 2023 was originally 26 (oops).

posted by Pi Visuals at 1:20 am
