August 28, 2021 : Bebop Live Action Photos and Premiere Date

Netflix released some first-look images of Spike, Faye, and Jet; and it’s getting me more and more interested in the show. To be fair, I was already pretty stoked. Below is a cool cast shot, presumably on board the Bebop:

One of the released images also implies a Ballad Of Fallen Angels scene. Which. Would. Be. Awesome!

Lastly, a premiere date of November 19th was set. The first season will be 10 hour long episodes. There are expectations of more seasons, but nothing official has been announced.

In either case, I am getting pumped. Between this and the new Matrix movie (which I’m pretty sure is only the second one in the franchise), there’s plenty to look forward to this Holiday season.

posted by Pi Visuals at 9:32 pm

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